46. Gridded ammonia emission fluxes in Japan.
Murano,-K.; Hatakeyama,-S.; Mizoguchi,-T.; Kuba,-N.
Water-air-soil-pollut. Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dec 1995. v. 85 (4) p. 1915-1920.
NAL Call Number: TD172.W36

Descriptors: emission. ammonia. air-pollution. geographical-variation. mapping. agriculture. animal-manures. animal-wastes. livestock-farming. nitrogen-fertilizers. pigs. dairy-cows. beef-cattle. japan.

47. Ground water quality beneath cattle feedlots in Texas.
Sweeten,-J.M.; Marek,-T.H.; McReynolds,-D.
Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of Agricultural Engineers,. Summer 1992. (922038) 9 p.
NAL Call Number: 290.9-Am32P

Descriptors: water-quality. groundwater. contamination. animal-wastes. texas.

48. Incubation of injected liquid beef manure: effect of time and manure rate.
Schmitt,-M.A.; Sawyer,-J.E.; Hoeft,-R.G.
Agron-J. Madison, Wis. : American Society of Agronomy. Mar/Apr 1992. v. 84 (2) p. 224-228.
NAL Call Number: 4-AM34P

Descriptors: zea-mays. phytotoxicity. growth-rate. cattle-manure. liquid-manures. soil-injection. application-rates. nitrate. nitrogen. ammonium-nitrogen. redox-potential. soil-ph. nitrogen. transformation. soil-chemistry. incubation-duration.

Abstract: An investigation was conducted to determine if N compounds and other chemical parameters that could cause poor corn (Zea mays L.) growth were associated with injected liquid beef manure. Liquid beef manure was injected into a Derinda s ilt loam soil (fine, mixed, mesic Typic Hapludalf) and incubated in two laboratory experiments. Experiment 1 consisted of two application rates, 18 and 36 mL kg-1 soil, injected into 25 g of moist soil and incubated for 44 d. Experiment 2 consisted of fiv e manure application rates (0, 29, 58, 116, and 232 mL kg-1 soil, equivalent to 2.3, 4.6, 9.2, and 18.4 dry Mg ha-1) layered between 50 g of soil and incubated for 4 wk. Rates simulated the range of manure concentrations in band applications of 37200 L ma nure ha-1. There was a linear trend of increasing NH4-N concentrations as manure application rates increased. A transitory period of lowered soil redox potential (E(h)) and elevated pH occurred for 2 wk after application, especially for the highest manure rate. Nitrite-N accumulated with all rates of manure, but the accumulation was transitory with low manure rates. At 116 and 232 mL kg-1, high levels of NO2-N were present for 3 and 4 wk, respectively. Conditions potentially toxic to plants were generated initially by reducing conditions (as indicated by low E(h)) and free NH3 (due to high pH and high concentrations of water extractable and exchangeable NH4-N), and subsequently, by accumulation of NO2-N.

49. Influence of cattle-feedlot manure on aggregate stability, plastic limit and water relations of three soils in north-central Italy.
Biol-Wastes. Essex : Elsevier Science Publishers. 1989. v. 28 (4) p. 257-269.
NAL Call Number: TD930.A32

Descriptors: cattle-manure. feedlot-wastes. mixtures. characteristics. application-to-land. soil-physical-properties. application-rates. italy.

50. Isolation of Listeria spp. from feces of feedlot cattle.
Siragusa,-G.R.; Dickson,-J.S.; Daniels,-E.K.
J-food-prot. Des Moines, Iowa : International Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians. Feb 1993. v. 56 (2) p. 102-105, 109.
NAL Call Number: 44.8-J824

Descriptors: listeria. feces. sampling. bacterial-count. pathogenicity. mice. cattle.

Abstract: Healthy feedlot beef cattle were surveyed for the presence of Listeria spp. in fecal grab samples taken over 3 months. Composite samples were made from 224 individual animals each month. Listeria monocytogenes was isolated from one com posite sample (4%) from the first sampling and not from the subsequent two. Listeria innocua was found in composite samples from all three samplings at levels of 17, 9, and 35%, respectively. From the individual samples comprising the Listeria spp.-positi ve composites, L. monocytogenes was isolated from one sample (3%) in the second sampling but not in the first or third samplings. L. innocua was found in 9, 8, and 10% of the individual samples comprising Listeria-positive composites in the first, second, and third samplings, respectively. The two L. monocytogenes isolates were pathogenic to mice. Further characterization of these isolates revealed atypical rhamnose fermentation patterns. These results indicate that the frequency of isolation of L. monocy togenes from feedlot beef cattle is low.

51. Livestock manure production and disposition : South Dakota feedlots-farms-ranches.
South Dakota State University. Economics Dept.
Research report (South Dakota State University. Economics Dept. ; no. 94-4.
Brookings, S.D. : Economics Dept., South Dakota State University, [1994] 70 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
NAL Call Number: HD1775.S8R47--no.94-4

Descriptors: Animal-waste-South-Dakota. Agricultural-waste-South-Dakota. Feedlots-South-Dakota. Waste-disposal-in-the-ground-South-Dakota.

52. Long-term fate of nitrogen from annual feedlot manure applications.
Chang,-C.; Janzen,-H.H.
J-environ-qual. Madison : American Society Of Agronomy,. July/Aug 1996. v. 25 (4) p. 785-790.
NAL Call Number: QH540.J6

Abstract: Animal wastes are a valuable soil amendment, but when rates of application exceed crop nitrogen (N) requirements, N can leach into groundwater or be lost to the atmosphere. The prediction of optimum manure application rates, however, i s complicated by the mineralization of organic N that accumulates with repeated manure applications over many years. The objective of this study was to determine the N balance in soils receiving long-term, repeated manure applications, as influenced by ap plication rate and moisture regime. A N balance was constructed for a site at Lethbridge, AB, in which various rates of 1- to 2-yr-old manure (up to 180 Mg ha-1 yr-1) have been applied annually to irrigated and nonirrigated Chernozemic (Typic Haploboroll) clay loam since 1973. Under nonirrigated conditions, all of the N applied in manure was accounted for by crop uptake, soil organic N (Kjeldahl N), and soil NO3-N. Losses of N via leaching or volatilization were small. Under irrigation, however, particula rly at higher rates of manure application, appreciable amounts of N were lost by leaching and volatilization. The proportion of manure N mineralized was independent of application rate and irrigation regime. During a period of almost 20 yr, about 56% of t he N applied in manure was mineralized. This estimate permits more quantitative estimation of manure application rates that exploit the agronomic value of manure without risk of adverse environmental effects under similar climatic conditions.

53. Management practices: how to sample manure for nutrient analysis.
Rieck,-A.; Miller,-G.
North-Cent-reg-ext-publ. East Lansing, Mich. : Cooperative Extension Service. Jan 1995. (567) 4 p.
NAL Call Number: S544.N6

Descriptors: animal-manures. feedlot-wastes. liquid-manures. representative-sampling. nutrient-content.

54. Manure management for open lot livestock production.
U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service. Iowa State University. Cooperative Extension Service. Iowa. Dept. of Natural Resources. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Region VII.
Des Moines, Iowa : The Service, 1995. 15 p. : col. ill.
NAL Call Number: aTD930.M35--1995

Descriptors: Livestock-Manure-Handling. Feedlots.

55. Manure P fractionation.
Bioresour-technol. Oxford, U.K. : Elsevier Science Limited. 1994. v. 49 (2) p. 149-155.
NAL Call Number: TD930.A32

Descriptors: cattle. cattle-manure. dairy-cattle. beef-cattle. phosphorus. inorganic-phosphorus. organophosphorus-compounds. fractionation. chemical-analysis.

56. Nitrate and other nutrients associated with playa storage of feedlot wastes.
Smith,-S.J.; Stewart,-B.A.; Sharpley,-A.N.; Naney,-J.W.; McDonald,-T.; Hickey,-M.G.; Sweeten,-J.M.
Bull-Tex-Agric-Exp-Stn. College Station, Tex. : Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College System,. Nov 1993. (5081) 17 p.
NAL Call Number: 100-T31S-1

Descriptors: cattle. feedlots. feedlot-wastes. storage. water-pollution. nitrate. phosphorus. ammonium. soil-ph. soil-texture. subsoil.

57. Nitrate leaching losses under repeated cattle feedlot manure applications in southern Alberta.
Chang,-C.; Entz,-T.
J-environ-qual. Madison : American Society Of Agronomy,. Jan/Feb 1996. v. 25 (1) p. 145-153.
NAL Call Number: QH540.J6

Abstract: An experiment was conducted at Lethbridge, Alberta, to determine the long-term effects of annual applications of cattle manure on nitrate (NO3)-N accumulation and movement, and to assess the environmental impact of such a practice. Man ure was applied annually at 0, 30, 60, and 90 Mg ha-1 (wet wt. basis) and 0, 60, 120, and 180 Mg ha-1 (zero, one, two, and three times the maximum recommended annual application rate, respectively), to nonirrigated and irrigated Dark Brown Chernozemic (Ty pic Haploboroll) clay loam soils from 1973 to 1992. All plots were planted to barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Galt) in spring each year. In the fall, duplicate soil cores were taken to a depth of 1.5 m. Water content (gravimetric), chloride, ammonium- and NO3-N concentration of soil and manure samples were determined to estimate leaching and deep percolation loss of water and solutes. Level of manure and moisture regime affected the extent of NO3-N increases. Under nonirrigated conditions, manure applied a t one to three times the recommended rate resulted in a significant accumulation of NO3-N in the root zone. However, minimal leaching loss was observed below 1.5 m except for a year with unusually high precipitation. On irrigated soils, contamination of s oil and groundwater from repeated applications at or greater than the recommended rate of 60 Mg ha-1 was significant and annual losses may reach 93 to 341 kg N ha-1. Therefore, long-term annual application of manure at the maximum recommended level is not advised because of potential soil and water contamination problems.

58. Nitrate movement beneath a beef cattle manure composting site.
Nienaber,-J.A.; Ferguson,-R.B.
Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of Agricultural Engineers,. Winter 1992. (92-2611/92-2629) 12 p.
NAL Call Number: 290.9-Am32P

Descriptors: profiles. cattle-manure. nitrate.

59. The nitrogen status beneath beef cattle feedlots in eastern Nebraska.
Ellis,-J.R.; Mielke,-L.N.; Schuman,-G.E.
Soil-Sci-Soc-Am-Proc. Madison, Wis. : The Society. Jan/Feb 1975. v. 39 (1) p. 107-111.
NAL Call Number: 56.9-SO3

Descriptors: feedlots. feedlot-wastes. beef-cattle. soil. nitrogen-content. profiles. groundwater. nitrates. management. nebraska.

60. Nutrient and energy composition of beef cattle feedlot waste fractions.
Research bulletin (University of Nebras ka-Lincoln. Agricultural Experiment Station) ; 262.
Lincoln, Neb. : University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1974. 20 p. : ill.
NAL Call Number: 100-N27-3-no.262

Descriptors: Feedlot-runoff. Animal-waste-Recycling. Animal-waste-as-feed.

61. Nutrient, carbon, and mass loss during composting of beef cattle feedlot manure.
Eghball,-B.; Power,-J.F.; Gilley,-J.E.; Doran,-J.W.
J-environ-qual. Madison : American Society Of Agronomy,. Jan/Feb 1997. v. 26 (1) p. 189-193.
NAL Call Number: QH540.J6

Abstract: Quantification of nutrient and mass loss during composting is needed to understand the composting process, to implement methods for nutrient conservation, and to reduce potential adverse environmental impact. Beef cattle feedlot manure was composted in a windrow on an open concrete area in 1992, 1993, and 1994 to determine the amounts of nutrient, C, and mass loss during composting. The area was enclosed on all sides with a 0.2 m high metal sheet to direct runoff to a fiberglass tank ( 4000 L) during rainfall. Nutrients in runoff represented combined runoff and leaching losses. Nutrients, C, and mass loss during composting was determined by the difference between the amounts at the beginning and at the end of the composting. Nitrogen lo ss during composting ranged from 19 to 42% and was related to the initial manure N content. Ammonia volatilization (calculated by difference) accounted for > 92% of the N loss whereas combined runoff nitrate and ammonium loss was < 0.5%. Mass loss was rel atively low (15-20%) while C loss ranged from 46 to 62% and was basically all through bio-oxidation. Phosphorus runoff loss, the main mechanism for P loss, was low (< 2%). Manure N/P ratio decreased during composting, indicating a greater soil P buildup p otential with compost application. Potassium and Na losses in runoff were high (> 6.5% each) in 1992 and 1993: they were low (< 2% each) in 1994 due to fewer rainfall. Calcium and Mg losses were < 6% each year. Nutrient and salt loss during composting res ulted in reduced electrical conductivity of the composted manure. Ammonium and P concentrations in runoff would create surface water pollution if runoff was not diluted with fresh water.

62. Nutrient cycling from cattle feedlot manure and composted manure applied to Southern High Plains drylands.
Jones,-O.R.; Willis,-W.M.; Smith,-S.J.; Stewart,-B.A.
Animal waste and the land-water interface /. Boca Raton : Lewis Publishers, c1995.. p. 265-272.
NAL Call Number: TD930.A55-1995

Descriptors: feedlot-wastes. composts. fertilizers. no-tillage. stubble-mulching. soil-depth. nitrogen. phosphorus. application-rates. runoff. nitrate-nitrogen. ammonium-nitrogen. water-pollution. texas.

63. Nutrition, manure, environment do not equal a simple equation.
Feedstuffs. Carol Stream, Ill. : Miller Publishing Company. Oct 21, 1996. v. 68 (44) p. 11-12.
NAL Call Number: 286.81-F322

Descriptors: animal-nutrition. nitrogen. phosphorus. potassium. feedlot-wastes. environmental-impact. pollution.

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